Building the klan
Initiating the Worthy
1924 was a year of growth for the Klan in Glendale. A successful two-day ceremony held in July of that year, was followed by a second initiation ceremony on September 1st . Klan members and spectators marched through downtown Glendale, traveling up Central and Brand Avenues, into the foothills of the Verdugo Mountains. The KKK’s downtown march included carrying the American flag and singing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” before driving to an airfield owned by Leslie Coombs Brand, often called the “father of Glendale” because he was so instrumental in the development and promotion of the area. The Klan accepted hundreds of new members and attracted crowds of thousands. Once at the Brand estate, the Klavern presented Brand with a “resolution of thanks.” It is unclear what association Brand had to the KKK, beyond the use of land, but the location of the rally, on the property of a wealthy local businessman, indicates the degree of influence the Klan had in the region during this time.
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All photographs courtesy of the Collection of Historic Photographs and Documents Related to Leslie C. Brand. Glendale Library, Arts & Culture, Glendale, California.
"Klansmen Admit 350 New Aliens: Naturalization Ceremony is Held at Brand Airport by Local Klavern." Glendale Evening News, 2 Sept. 1924. Internet Archive Reprinted by permission of the Los Angeles Times.
Naturalization Ceremony Booklet. Ku Klux Klan, Realm of California Collection. Special Collections and Archives, University Library, California State University, Northridge.